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Nomadic Bloggers

# Nomadic Bloggers
(Including content creators and freelancers)

1. The article discusses:
   Who are bloggers, what is the nature of their work, what problems do they face, and what categories are professionally similar to them
   The role of governments, unions, and professional bodies
   Some advice

This article is inspired by a German girl I saw in one of the documentaries talking about her experience in blogging on social media, her previous work, her move to live outside Germany, her investment in South America, her social family life, and her view of the future. Her story is similar to many content creators, so some aspects should be highlighted to help governments, content creators, and similar jobs to help set laws or avoid some problems.

## Who are bloggers, what is the nature of their work, what problems do they face, and what categories are professionally similar to them?

Bloggers are those who blog on websites in the form of writing such as articles or visuals such as photos and films on a daily or periodic basis in all sciences and knowledge. This may earn their owners fame and financial gains and may turn into a job and primary income.

Problems they face:
- Fluctuations in income; sometimes high income and sometimes low
- Lack or scarcity of new and creative ideas; ideas have become overused
- Strong competition and difficulty of continuity
- High costs for purchasing programs, devices, tools, hiring assistants, and costs for appearance and housing
- Psychological and physical effort resulting from rush, challenges, technologies, and workload
- Sudden or permanent account closure; this may be due to platform closures or government or judicial decisions
- Power and internet outages due to wars, natural disasters, or rationing or distribution of energy consumption in some countries due to consumption pressure and inability to raise capacity due to weak infrastructure
- Travel and mobility, which may be due to finding new content or due to cold weather in some countries that limit movement or places where services are available and help them create content, hence I called them nomadic bloggers
- Verbal and physical violence that content creators may be exposed to, unjustified criticism, insults, defamation, racism, privacy violations, character assassination, beating, and murder
- Use of bloggers in organizational conflicts and criminal organizations, and from mentally disturbed supporters and global intelligence agencies to spread rumors, organized attacks against a person or country, child and human trafficking, advertising fake products and companies or non-conforming to specifications, requesting odd and strange acts, incitement and causing problems between people; there are people who are happy if problems arise between bloggers and support them for problems to occur
- Fraud and scams on content creators may take the form of fake investments and others
- Lack of health insurance and retirement, and some resort to insurance companies to buy insurance such as life insurance and others that they may not need
- Violation of intellectual property rights, theft of ideas or imitation

What are the categories that are professionally similar?
Freelance work, manual work, indirect content creators, editors, designers, proofreaders, programmers, writers, productive families and limited products prepared at home, commission marketers, seasonal tourism businesses, and others.

## The role of governments, unions, and professional bodies

The failure of governments to deal with freelance and seasonal professions is due to several reasons:
- Government awareness of their importance and organization of their work
- Some individuals lying about the true value of income for tax evasion
- The inability of governments to keep up with technical updates
- The large size of the electronic space where it cannot be controlled as each individual has at least one account on each site
- The evolution and mutation of crimes as technology has changed the pattern of crimes
- Weak or inflexible infrastructure to accommodate more users or consumers
- The biased human element and the difference in cultures of what is socially acceptable and unacceptable and what is personal freedom or opinion and what is a violation and transgression against others

This results in:
- Money leaving for foreign investments
- Inability to protect individuals and facilities
- Internal or external migration
- A large number of social security beneficiaries

## Some advice
- Classify electronic jobs or seasonal jobs or home products and support them by finding settlement bodies to obtain a retirement salary and health insurance by deducting a monthly, annual, or lump sum amount for owners of these unstable professions
- Fighting crime, espionage, and people with sick ideas by employing people specialized in technology, crimes, psychology, and studying the electronic community and new developments
- Adhering to values and ethics as everything published on the electronic network is a document you can be held accountable for
- Not getting into conflicts between individuals and organizations such as attacking people and organizations in the form of criticism and mockery
- Being cautious about investing in companies and unsafe countries and being deceived by low purchase prices or high profits
- To avoid reaching burnout and your inability to achieve or being exposed to illness or emergency situations, you must organize work scheduling with some work prepared in advance for emergency situations or to spend vacations
- Social communication and the internet world are the basis of our lives. It is not enough to learn how to use it, but we need to know the etiquette of use
- Governments need to change their strategy in dealing with events and routine and keep pace with rapid updates
- The war between countries is not only military and espionage, but the war in modern media is more dangerous. Inciting opinion, spreading chaos, targeting prominent figures, scientists, and politicians in countries, spreading rumors, character assassination, and recruiting some celebrities knowingly or unknowingly to serve a hidden agenda
- Although I am against class in society, there are strange and different social classes that spread customs, traditions, and concepts such as honor killing, child rape, underage marriage, filming domestic violence, quarrels, and hostility against women...
- The ignorant talk about all sciences and knowledge, giving advice to society where specialists cannot give it because it needs several procedures, medical analyzes, a committee to diagnose the condition, the presence of the other party to the dispute, so these people should be prevented from giving advice in fields they are not specialized in

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